Snowflake Use the Snowflake Connector to send data from Decodable to a Snowflake table. The connector allows you to send data from both append or change streams into a Snowflake table, without the need for third-party infrastructure. Overview Connector name snowflake Type sink Delivery guarantee Append streams: At least once Change streams: Exactly once Prerequisites: Prepare Snowflake for connections Before you send data from Decodable into Snowflake, do the following in your Snowflake account to make sure that you are able to create a connection to it. Generate a private and public key pair for authentication Perform the following steps to generate a private and public key to secure communications between Decodable and Snowflake. Open a command line interface. Generate an unencrypted private key by running the following command. openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 des3 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8 -nocrypt The Snowflake connector expects an unencrypted private key. If you want to use an encrypted private key, omit the -nocrypt option from the above command. However, you will need to decrypt it before attaching it to the Snowflake connector. You can decrypt the private key with the following command: openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -out decrypted_rsa_key.p8 Generate a public key by running the following command. For this step, it does not matter whether your private key was encrypted or not. openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out Copy the public key that you generated in Step 3. Copy only the part of the key between the --BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-- and --END PUBLIC KEY-- delimiters. You can do this manually, or use the following command to print the required portion of the key: cat <KEY_FILE> | sed '1d;$d' (Optional) If you want to create a new user in Snowflake to use as a Decodable service account, run the following query. The placeholder in the query is defined as follows: <USER>: The name of the user that you want to create. use role useradmin; CREATE USER <USER>; Assign the public key to an existing user in Snowflake by running the following queries in a Snowflake worksheet. The placeholders in the query are defined as follows: <USER>: The name of the user that you want to assign the public key to. If you performed step 5, this value will be the user that you created. <PUBLIC_KEY>: The public key that you copied in Step 4. The —BEGIN PUBLIC KEY— and —END PUBLIC KEY— delimiters must be excluded. use role securityadmin; alter user "<USER>" set RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='<PUBLIC_KEY>'; Create, configure, and assign a role In this last step, you’ll create, configure, and assign a custom Snowflake role with sufficient privileges to your Snowflake user. This enables Decodable’s Snowflake connector to be able to interact with the Snowflake table properly. Open a Snowflake worksheet. (Optional) If you want to create a new role in Snowflake to use as the Decodable service account role, run the following query. The placeholder in the query is defined as follows: <ROLE>: The name of the role that you want to create. use role useradmin; create role <ROLE>; (Optional) If you want to create a new database and schema for Decodable to work with, run the following queries. The placeholders in the queries are defined as follows: <DATABASE>: The name of the database that you want to create. <SCHEMA>: The name of the schema that you want to create. use role sysadmin; create database <DATABASE>; create schema <DATABASE>.<SCHEMA>; Create a destination table in Snowflake by running the following query. The placeholders in the queries are defined as follows: <DATABASE>: The name of the database containing the table that you want to send data to. <SCHEMA>: The name of the schema containing the table that you want to send data to. <TABLE>: The name of the existing table that you want to send data to. <COL_N> <TYPE_N>: The name and Snowflake data type of the Nth column, respectively. use role sysadmin; create table <DATABASE>.<SCHEMA>.<TABLE> ( <COL_1> <TYPE_1>, <COL_2> <TYPE_2>, ... ); Run the following queries to create, configure, and assign permissions. The placeholders in the queries are defined as follows: <DATABASE>: The name of the database containing the table that you want to send data to. If you chose to create a database in Step 3, then this will be the name of the new database. <SCHEMA>: The name of the schema containing the table that you want to send data to. If you chose to create a schema in Step 3, then this will be the name of the new schema. <TABLE>: The name of the table that you want to send data to. This will be the name of the table created in Step 4. <USER>: The name of the user that you assigned the public key to in the “Generate a private and public key pair for authentication” step. <ROLE>: The name of the role that is receiving operating permissions. If you chose to create a role in Step 2, then this will be the name of the new role. // Switch to a role that can create and manage roles and privileges. use role securityadmin; // Add privileges to the role. grant usage on database <DATABASE> to role <ROLE>; grant usage on schema <SCHEMA> to role <ROLE>; grant insert on table <TABLE> to role <ROLE>; // Grant the custom role to the user that you previously assigned the public key to. grant role <ROLE> to user <USER>; Additional Change Stream Processing Prerequisites If you want to send records from Decodable change streams to Snowflake, then you must also set up a Snowflake warehouse and add some additional privileges in Snowflake. These steps must be done in addition to the general prerequisites described above. (Optional) If you want to create a new warehouse in Snowflake to use when loading change stream data from Decodable to Snowflake, run the following queries. The placeholder in the query is defined as follows: <WAREHOUSE>: The name of the warehouse that you want to create. use role sysadmin; CREATE WAREHOUSE <WAREHOUSE> WITH WAREHOUSE_SIZE='X-SMALL' INITIALLY_SUSPENDED=TRUE AUTO_RESUME=TRUE AUTO_SUSPEND=60; Assign permissions to a role by running the following queries. The placeholders in the queries are defined as follows: <SCHEMA>: The name of the schema containing the table that you want to send data to. <WAREHOUSE>: The name of the warehouse that will be used to merge change stream data into your destination table. If you chose to create a warehouse in Step 1, then this will be the name of that warehouse. <TABLE>: The name of the existing table that you want to send data to. <ROLE>: The name of the role that is receiving operating permissions. use role securityadmin; grant usage on warehouse <WAREHOUSE> to role <ROLE>; grant update, select, delete on table <TABLE> to role <ROLE>; grant create table on schema <SCHEMA> to role <ROLE>; Steps: Create a connection with the Snowflake Connector Follow these steps to send data from Decodable into Snowflake. These steps assume that you are using the Decodable web interface. However, if you want to use the Decodable CLI to create the connection, you can refer to the Property Name column for information about what the underlying property names are. From the Connections page, select the Snowflake connector and complete the following fields. UI Field Property Name in the Decodable CLI Description Database snowflake.database The name of the database containing the table that you want to send data to. Schema snowflake.schema The name of the schema containing the table that you want to send data to. Table snowflake.table The name of an existing table that you want to send data to. Note: The schema of the table must match the schema of the data being sent through the Snowflake connector. User snowflake.user The name of the user sending data to the Snowflake table. The user must be granted usage permissions on the provided role. Private Key snowflake.private-key The secret associated with the private key that you generated in the prerequisites. When you are creating the secret containing your private key, make sure that the key is unencrypted and that the ---BEGIN PRIVATE KEY— and ---END PRIVATE KEY— header and footers have been excluded. See Generate a private and public key pair for authentication. If you are using the Decodable CLI, this is the ID of the secret resource corresponding to the private key. Run decodable secret list to view available secrets or decodable secret --help for help with creating a new secret. Role snowflake.role The name of the role to use for all Snowflake actions. The role must be granted the following privileges. If you are sending data from an append stream: - INSERT privileges on the Snowflake table. - USAGE privileges on the schema and database. If you are sending data from change streams, you must additionally have the following privileges: - UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE privileges on the Snowflake table. - USAGE privileges on the warehouse. -CREATE TABLE privileges on the schema. Account Name snowflake.account-name The name of your Snowflake account, formatted as <organization>-<name>. If you are using the Snowsight web interface, select Admin > Accounts. The organization is listed above the account name. If you are using the classic web interface, select the user profile in the dropdown to reveal the organization ID and account name. Warehouse snowflake.warehouse The name of the Snowflake warehouse that you configured in the prerequisites. This warehouse is used to perform merging from intermediary Decodable tables to the final destination table, for change stream data. Required for change streams; unsupported for append streams. Merge Interval snowflake.merge-interval Change records are sent to the destination table in batches. Define the interval to wait before sending the change records into the table. For example, 1 minute, 5h, 100 sec, etc. Supported time unit labels are: - DAYS: "d", "day" - HOURS: "h", "hour" - MINUTES: "min", "minute" - SECONDS: "s", "sec", "second" - MILLISECONDS: "ms", "milli", "millisecond" - MICROSECONDS: "µs", "micro", "microsecond" - NANOSECONDS: "ns", "nano", "nanosecond" Required for change streams; unsupported for append streams. Select which stream contains the records that you’d like to send to Snowflake. Then, select Next. Give the newly created connection a Name and Description and select Save. You can now use this connection to send a stream of records to a given Snowflake table in low-latency microbatches, without the need for additional infrastructure such as Snowflake merge tasks or Snowpipe notifications via SQS. If you are using the Snowflake Connector to send change records to a Snowflake table, then the latency at which data is sent is determined by the merge interval. Working with change data capture records and Snowflake Warehouse notes When you configure Decodable to send change data capture records to Snowflake, Decodable automatically creates and manages a Snowflake staging table where changes are first loaded. Then, depending on the merge interval setting, changes are merged from the staging table into the specified destination table. The staging table is named <table>_DECODABLE_STAGE, where <table> is the name of the destination table. 📘 How does restarting or re-creating the Snowflake connection affect read consistency? Eventually-consistent reads: Decodable does not automatically clean up or delete staging tables when you force-restart or recreate the Snowflake Connector. Either of these actions may result in eventually-consistent reads while the restarted or re-created Snowflake connection works to catch back up. If you cannot tolerate eventually-consistent reads, then you should manually clear the staging table before force-restarting or re-creating the connection. Data Types Mapping The following table describes the mapping of Decodable data types to their Snowflake data type counterparts. Decodable Type Snowflake Type Char CHARACTER VarChar/String VARCHAR Boolean BOOLEAN Binary BINARY VarBinary, Bytes VARBINARY Decimal, Dec, Numeric NUMBER TinyInt TINYINT SmallInt SMALLINT Int INT BigInt BIGINT Float FLOAT Double DOUBLE Date DATE Time TIME Timestamp TIMESTAMP_NTZ Timestamp_ltz TIMESTAMP_LTZ Array ARRAY Map OBJECT Row VARIANT MultiSet Not supported Interval Not supported