Set up a Decodable Account The first step to getting started with Decodable is setting up an account. An account is an isolated tenant in Decodable and exists in a single cloud provider and region (although it can connect to data services anywhere). All resources - connections, streams, pipelines, and so on - are created within an account. Create an Account Using Decodable begins with a Decodable Account, which contains your Decodable resources. An account can have many members, so everyone on your team can share and manage access. Each account has an account name as well as a display name. The account name is used in API requests and authentication and can not be changed. The display name is a human-friendly name and may be changed at any time. If your team already has an account, ask them for an invitation. You can send an invitation to your account in the Account Management view. Otherwise, create an account with the Decodable Web Console. You’ll need to provide the following. Account name: Something like my-company-name. This will be part of your account’s API hostname. This must be unique across all accounts. Account display name: Anything you want, for easy reading on the Web Console. Region: We currently support several regions in AWS. If you need a different region or cloud provider, please let us know. Once you have an account, you can get started using Decodable for your data processing needs. See the quickstart for a hands-on guide, or this checklist to jump straight into it.